Volume 2 tells the family stories of our Jewish compatriots.
A home to take away was and is the Mostviertel for the survivors of the Shoah in many countries of the world. Our Jewish compatriots tell in their family stories about the lost and the saved. Most of these families were involved here in the Jewish community Ybbs / Amstetten, which included the entire Most and the southern Waldviertel. They were also integrated into the surrounding majority society. They provided the best possible education for their children and were entrepreneurial. In the countries of refuge they tried to root themselves in the future ideas of their new homeland.
"Jewish Families and their Portable Homeland."
Elisabeth Reiss from Kilb described the root-beating in the new homeland as follows: "From now on it is for the stranger as well as for every human being to root themselves according to the real life, and only the full possession of his personality can be a true integration in a moving one Guarantee the world. "
Whether and how you, dear readers, first learned about the Shoah in our region, has to do with whether your family of origin comes from a specific political or religious tradition. If party-political conflicts decisively determine the history of your family, hardly any memory was left for Jewish fellow citizens and their fate. If the religious family tradition was not free of all anti-Jewish prejudices, the fate of the persecuted and murdered Jewish fellow citizens also had little room. This applies to political, religious and civilian institutions as well as to the public memory politically and religiously unconnected. That everything came as it had to anyway, you, dear readers, could only say, if you believe in immutable historical or religious laws, according to which all events would have to expire. From this they might conclude that it could have done nothing if more "righteous" had been prepared to resist. Those who believe in compelling laws of this nature have no motive to resist crimes and criminals, nor do they need an apology for failure to help.