25. October 2017

Portable Homeland

Volume 3 presents texts from families of Jewish Mostviertel: dialect poems, essays, flight reports, diaries and letters. The volume also includes a rich collection of data on the Shoah victims of Jewish Mostviertel.

A portable homeland was for our Jewish compatriots first the traditional way of Jewish life without its own Jewish state. Their portable homeland also became their home in Austria as a bulwark against the racist aggression that first threatened the Jewish Austrians and subsequently spread to the whole of Europe. The "Portable Homeland" includes the brave ones who resisted the racist violence, and the righteous and Samaritans who came to the aid of the threatened.

Reconciliation means: Do not Forgot / Reconciling Is Not To Forget

In order to wrest the forgotten story of the Jewish fellow citizens from oblivion, a conciliatory treatment of history is necessary. This includes: the punishment of the perpetrators; the analysis of the lack of resistance; the desire to know the fates of the victims; Contact with survivors and their descendants. Only then will forgetting become unbearable. Conciliation and therefore beneficial, not to forget. And set up reliable times of remembrance.

Ernst Kerpen, a Jewish firefighter from Zell am Ybbs, made the following assumptions about the good integration of the Jewish Mostviertel:

„Ob klerikal, ob liberal, | Translated: "Clerical, liberal,
die Feuerwehr hilft überall. | the fire department helps everywhere.
Und da Ernst, der denkt dazua noch: Oi, | And Ernst, he thinks too: Oi,
kein Unterschied zwischen Jud und Goi!“ | no difference between Jud and Goi! "
