Publication of the trilogy "Portable Homeland" by the publisher papercomm; Presentation event in the banquet hall of Schloss Weinzierl in front of 250 visitors; Presentation at the Jewish Museum Vienna in front of 100 visitors; Presentations, etc. in Scheibbs, Amstetten and Waidhofen an der Ybbs.

“Tragbares Vaterland” – Virtuelle Ausstellung about our jewish compatriots

Virtual exhibition for pupils from the 8th grade: "Portable Homeland"

The aim is to introduce young people from the age of 12 to the integration of the Jewish Mostviertel and the topic of integration in a playful and interesting way in the form of a station operation. The project day should be booked by the schools for a morning or an afternoon. Station operation is for max. 36 people, with students divided into six groups. At four out of six stations, information must be gathered using existing equipment and worksheets. At the last station, where the groups meet, it is necessary to prove the collected knowledge in a quiz and to master the competition. At the end of the theme day, the students will receive a prize distribution, in addition the whole class will receive a certificate and a calendar.

Following detailed information about the stations:

1st Station - Time Travel

The siblings Lisa and Felix, children of a Jewish Mostviertler family, accompany the participants on a journey through time and present in the form of a 2D animation with 3D effects "Our Jewish compatriots and their wearable fatherland".

2nd Station - Lost and Rescued

Using the example of 5 family stories, their homeland in the Mostviertel, their successful or failed escape, the places of deportation and extermination and new homelands in exile are depicted. This is served by a touchscreen world map. Interviews with survivors of these families are available.

3rd Station - Tent of the Federal

Both Jewish families from the Mostviertel and their opponents have tried to interpret the racist persecution religiously. The white tent as a space of meditation and pertinent texts in front of the tent familiarize with these religious interpretation attempts.

4th Station - Austria - bulwark against racism?

In einer Diskussionsrunde wird erörtert, welche Rolle Österreich für diskriminierte Familien und Jugendliche damals für die jüdische Minderheit und heute für Zuwanderer spielt. Der „rote Sessel“ erlaubt, rassistische Statements zu äußern und in der Folge zu entkräften.

5th Station - Felix in his element

Felix, now a grandfather (again 2-D animated with 3D effect) and the memory game "Tau of Aleph" convey the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet as secret codes.

6th Station - Lisa's taste buds and ears

Lisa, now a grandmother (again 2-D animated with a 3D effect), offers attractive examples of "integration in the kitchen" with a tasting of Jewish sweets with her digital cookbook. Participants can use a programmed synthesizer to create modern sound effects over the Yiddish songs played on the sound track, making "integration" audible.

7. Station - Portable Homeland

All the groups of participants come together around the PixelSense multitouch desktop computer and appoint a group member to sit at this table. In the quiz show - similar to the tasks in the million-show - using the information collected in Stations 1 to 6 on the questions asked from each of 4 opportunities offered to be found the right answers. Each group has a number of rounds to complete, but in different orders, within given times.


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